Growth Mindset and Learning

Two silhouetted head shapes face one another. One has the image of a lock in the general brain area and the other has a bloom heart/plant growing beyond the limits of the head shape.

This learning journey provides an opportunity to experience the COVA Model (choice, ownership, voice) by exercising choice of content and the voice of purpose. As a result, I continue to experience an authentic learning opportunity through the evolution of this Portfolio.

While embracing the power of a growth mindset, we can reflect on our thoughts and beliefs while developing a growth mindset. This process allows us all to accept failure and feedforward as a valuable part of the learning process – when a failed attempt is no longer a finish line but a stepping stone on the path to success.

Through blogging and discussions, reflection helps develop a deeper understanding and makes more meaningful connections. Taking ownership of learning and the learning of classmates/learning community while using multiple technology tools for collaboration (synchronously and asynchronously), we bridged the time and distance gap as we grew our mindsets while both giving and receiving feedforward,

Failing forward empowers us to persevere in our learning journey. Carrying the experience and the knowledge learned through the completion of this program, I strive to maintain portfolio persistence well beyond the program so that this Portfolio can be a resource that deepens the advisor-advisee relationship by providing increased communication and understanding while guiding students along their academic path.

Growth Mindset Plan

Life and learning inevitably come with hardships and challenges, and graduate school is no exception. Check out my growth mindset plan and start working on creating a growth mindset for yourself.

Learning Manifesto

Through the process of developing a Learning Manifesto, I was able to connect with my motivations and beliefs about learning. I am happy to share those with you.

Learning Networks

Learning networks have provided an outlet for collaboration both personally and professionally. I encourage you to establish your learning networks too.

These reflections helped me further advance my Concepts of Educational Technology.