Personalized Plan

Once accepted and enrolled, each of my students has a customized plan within the university’s degree audit system that maps one personalized example path to program completion. These plans are created with each student’s start date and the specific course rotation for the declared program of study in mind.

The personalized plan is a living document that is modified and further customized throughout a students program based on coursework completed and grades earned according to degree plan completion requirements.

To Review your Personalized Program Plan:

  • LU Connect
    • Banner Self-Serv
    • Student tab/link
    • Degree Audit
    • Plans (along top menu)
    • Click on the plan name link that corresponds to your current program from the list
    • Click the Printer/PDF icon at the top right to view the plan with course titles

The university’s service desk team can assist with log-in and access issues.

The projected graduation semester will be indicated by the notation indicating that a graduation application is due. The university academic calendar will provide additional deadline details along with the commencement departments website.

The graduation projection is based on continuous enrollment and successful course completion throughout all program requirements. Individualized paths to program completion may be available due to life circumstances, personal and professional commitments, and academic challenges throughout program requirements with expected program completion delays based on department course rotations and course offerings.

Please note that at the time of application to the university the student management system automatically assigns a projected graduation date (admission term plus preset timeframe) but this does not account for different program lengths or pace. A student’s personalized plan will provide a more accurate expectation for program completion.